
Saturday, March 2, 2019

March blessings

March is fresh, the only one you’ll get out of 2019, the only March 2019 you’ll get in your whole life. Spring is near—it is crouched down hidden in thick tree limbs with yellow eyes glowing in the dark of winter waiting to —YES! SPRING— into the world once again in the blessed cycle of seasons.  Birth is painful and rebirth carries with it much of the pain in memories and lives lived and relived and waiting to be touched deeply where healing can swell and embrace the hurts and losses and regrets and let me tell you this spring, this one, the one just on the rim of our reality will be held in awe even as it devours me as earth devours the seeds lying dormant...I will hold it all in awe as I learn and relearn to marvel with great gratitude how we are all connected whether we see it or hear it or taste it or not the reality is there and it sounds like quiet cool trickles of spring water melting down the rocky hills and it smells like jasmine at night and lavender in the morning and looks like streaks of yellow and green and red and purple spilled out across the skies and feels like lambs’ wool and smells like pancakes and all these sensations and images are known to you because we are connected and when we love or walk alongside in whatever capacity we extend gifts whether sweet like caramel and chocolate or difficult but necessary like digging out cancer the gifts we extend are connections that will multiply into blessings we cannot imagine right now big and small but always there for the taking and receiving and giving back and this morning I marvel at my love for words and stories coursing deep in my hereditary veins and observed in my father’s life and my mother’s love of books and my sister and I wrote stories and made up songs and made books all our lives and of my greatest loves is the storyteller from the deepest south and her writing influenced a Chinese writer I have read before and now because of friendship shared in mutual love of story on stage and film who welcomed me into her family and realm of friends and love of stories and writing words on paper and extended a find of flash fiction which I now explore and read and just this morning that Chinese writer is being showcased and his great influence is my favorite writer and I am panting with anticipation to read his stories again and reenter her world of stories and what a great thing right here on the edge of falling off into more days ahead full to overflowing with overwhelming emotions extreme and calming and an answer to the prayer of my deepest longing to find the connections I often fear I have lost and now I remember I re*member we are all inextricably connected for better and worse and all the worse will be better because we take a moment to look at each other and our lives and our gifts with eyes of gratitude and hearts tender for the touching.