
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Margaret Thatcher RIP April 8, 2013

How in the world did I miss the passing of Margaret Thatcher?????? 

This might just be the cosmic reprimand for listening to "Pillars of the Earth" every time I'm in the car instead of to NPR at least every other time...

I will spend the day (which by the time "you" get this, will be tomorrow since I have yet to discover how to post when I want to post and not when this blogger wants to post, which is about 10:15 p.m. EST) after working until 1:00 reading about her and revisiting her contribution to the world.  She was a great lady---whether you agree with her politics or not, you have to give her credit for being great.  As lame as that sentence is, if she'd been a man...  i can't even finish that sentence either.

Just cannot believe that no one in my daily monotonous world mentioned it at all...anywhere.  I found out because I finished reading "Escape from Camp 14" and was surfing on what might have developed there and saw a headline that suggested because the book is so good, U.S. govt. officials and U.N. officials are beginning to press China and collectively press Kim Jong Un about the camps, the camps (especially 14) are reinforcing their security...and as I was scrolling through that I saw a comment about Thatcher's passing...

Will look it up more later but now I have to go proctor tests...

Since it's happening I have to it is Saturday morning, 6:40 a.m. and I am beginning to hear a SAW??????  I seriously hope whoever is awakened by that across the way will RAIL COMPLAINTS...  why can't they make stuff like that quiet?  I know, I'm on the wrong planet for quiet.

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